Sunday, July 12, 2015

What Is A True Jewish Leader? by YJ Draiman

What Is A True Jewish Leader?
The Torah (The Jewish Bible) clearly expresses the true character traits necessary for leaders of the nation. It is not great rhetorical skills that will help a person succeed in leading "The Nation of Israel". The gift of self-expression is not a necessary component in the skill set of national leaders.

A Jewish leader is one who is meant to represent the nation as a whole, externally and internally, expressive ability is no more than an impressive external trait that occasionally has the power to cover for an internal void. That is not what sets apart the leader of the Jewish nation. A Jewish leader must have the ability to withstand external pressures and protect his people and the Jewish nation at all times.

The Jewish nation that appeared on the stage of history thousands of years ago did not begin as a nation with an impressive external appearance. On the contrary, for long periods, the Jewish people lacked military and political abilities. However, since its inception, the Jewish nation has represented a huge world of moral, ethical and just values, values which the entire world learned, some more and some less, and spread to cultures everywhere throughout the world .
A leader of the Jewish nation is not meant to stand out as having an impressive external appearance, but rather a significant internal appearance that also expresses the special characteristics of Jewish culture and humility. Moshe (Moses who lead the Jewish people out of Egypt, after hundreds of years of slavery and oppression. Moses who lead the Jewish people during their Exodus from Egypt, were attacked by various nations. Hence, the Jewish people had to learn how to defend themselves. Thus with the help of the almighty they were victorious), the Jewish nation’s first leader Moses, was “heavy of mouth and heavy of tongue,” and with this he signaled for us the correct path and the worthy considerations which should guide us as we choose our nation’s leadership.
A true leader of Israel has to lead from a platform of absolute faith. He cannot be just a politician. He has to embrace the history of the Jewish people and Israel. A leader of the Jewish nation has to understand what the Jewish people had to endure for thousands of years and still endure today in order to survive.
A true leader must act from a foundation of humility and perseverance; understanding the welfare of Israel and the Jewish people should be the foremost reason before any action is taken. One must lead by action and example and not by rhetoric. 
A faithful Jewish leader must be one who will not compromise Jewish values
YJ Draiman

It is unconscionable to send an Army without the explicit command to quash the enemy no holds barred.
I would like to see those so called War crimes investigators and committees have their families on the front lines with rockets aimed at them and fired on a daily basis, how would they respond.
An Army's mission and duty is to accomplish complete victory with no restrictions whatsoever.
The use "disproportionate force" has no place in war. In fact, it has no place in any conflict.
Thanks heavens that in WW II Allies British and American Air Forces, had no concerns about using "disproportionate force" to pound the Germans and Japanese to unconditional surrender, killing millions of civilians, leveling Dresden and other German cities in response to rocket attacks on London. The U.S. used 2 Atomic bombs against Hiroshima and Nagasaki to reduce American casualties. If they the Allies did not bomb Germany to a pulp, Another 50 million people would of died in WW2 and what is left of the world would all be under German domination.
It is immoral to send the IDF anywhere unless we're determined to win. To do whatever it takes to achieve total victory without limitation. War is hell. 

When an organization or people declare war against all the people of Israel.
The only response is total commitment to quash the enemy without restraint. If someone comes to annihilate your family and you. It is you obligation and duty to respond and attack with everything you got. There is no such thing as a limited response, in life and death there is no tomorrow.
The use "disproportionate force" is a fantasy. If your family was being attacked, you would fight back with everything you got.

There is a quote that states "If someone comes to kill you, you should beat him to the punch and kill him first".
YJ Draiman

Tiny Israel sorrounded in the sea of Arab States
If you look at a map of Israel in the Arab middle east, you will understand why that is absurd. I was not permitted by the JP to include a link to such a map. Israel is a tiny sliver in a vast sea of under-populated Arab countries, the origin of virtually all of the so-called Palestinians who arrived in Palestine after the Jews even counting only the last century. They are primarily Syrians, with some Iraqis and Egyptians and North Africans.
Regarding a two state solution, there are two issues. The first is that all of the land the two-state solution is slated to take place upon is Jewish land. As it is, Israel has now been diminished to 20% of its historic extent; why would shrinking it down further create peace? There has never been a non-Jewish state or entity or organized community in Palestine since our dispossession Many regard that as miraculous; it is certainly remarkable and in any case a fact.
The second is that there has never in history been a successful two-state solution.
1) Jewish
Northern Palestine was joined to Syria, and then later separated to create Lebanon in order to protect the Christians from the Muslims. The Christians remained victims and it is now the home to Hezbollah and 150,000 rockets aimed at Israel.
2) Jewish Eastern Palestine/Trans-Jordan (80% of the remainder) was split off by
Britain and rendered Judenrein (Jew-free) and given to the Arabian refugee Abdulah to create a new 'kingdom' in Trans-Jordan. That country remained at war with Israel until fairly recently, but it remains a hellhole of Jew-hatred and Jihadi violence and honor killings etc. The end of that story has of been written.
3) Jewish
Gaza was likewise emptied of Jews and controlled by Egypt and is the worst hellhole in the Middle East, even after Sharon's unilateral 'disengagement' which once again emptied the place of Jews and has created not peace but serial and ongoing wars.
4) Most to the point was the Partition Plan dividing the lousy 20% remaining to the Jews into
Israel and Palestine, was accepted by the post-Holocaust Jews with their tongues hanging out and rejected by all Arabs within and without Palestine who promptly declared an intention to annihilate the Jews. That the Jews survived that one should be enough too make anyone believe in the God of Israel. But it resulted in a permanent state of war.
Jordan gobbled up the 'West Bank' and Egypt gobbled up 'Gaza', which tells you how they view 'Palestinian' rights. They know it's a farce.
5) We could point to
Cyprus and India/Pakistan or someplace else, but the bottom line is that two-state solutions have never worked.
The first point made repeatedly in these discussions is that there was no peace before Israel, there was no peace with the unjust (from the Jews' point of view) Partition Plan, there was no peace since Israel was re-established. Is that entirely up to the Arabs? It always has been, especially since their terms are the unconditional surrender of the Jews and dissolution of Israel. Look up Palestinian Media Watch and see how they talk among themselves in Arabic, not what you read by foreign anti-Israel enablers.

1 comment:

  1. JERUSALEM - An enchanting city where extremes mingle seamlessly. A city conquered repeatedly and governed by many different rulers; a city in which the ringing of church bells blends with Jewish prayer in synagogues, and the cries of the Muezzins in their tall mosques.
    At the end of the second millennium, Jerusalem faces a ?King Solomon Dilemma? between two peoples and three religions, whose believers are seeking a path to mutual existence, while each regards the city as its beating heart without which life is unsustainable.

    The war in which we have been embroiled since October 2000 is similar to the 1948 War of Independence and the preceding period. In both cases, war erupted when the question of the partition of Eretz Israel into two states ? Jewish and Palestinian - was at stake. In 1947, battles erupted after the UN decision to partition Eretz Israel into two states. In 2002, the war broke out after the Palestinians refused Israel's offers at Camp David that would have meant dividing the region between both peoples.

    On July 9th 2004, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague resolved that ?the separation wall being built by Israel in the West Bank is to be regarded as annexation and is illegal. Israel accuses The Hague judges of bias in favor of the Palestinians while willfully ignoring the bloodshed caused by their terror attacks.

    The terrifying sounds return, and I have not recovered from the previous ones. Sixty years later history is repeating itself. Jews are again living in fear. It transports me to the home of my parents, Holocaust survivors. The horror spawned by infinite hatred is covered with Jewish corpses. A thin layer of earth covers millions of skeletons. Today the yawning pit of hatred is fused in a sinister link between religion and ideology, conceived by the devil.

    The Holy Land is the meeting place of God and humanity. It was God who chose this spiritual land as the site of the closest encounter between the Creator and the being that He created in His image. It is in this timeless and holiest of lands that Christian history began and grew.
    This website is dedicated to Christians and non-Jews, supporters of Israel and peace lovers, who support and stand by the people of Israel at this difficult time.
